Apple IPad Praise & Disappointment Over Price and Phone Features
Posted on Jan 28 by Tatiana under ipad
The new iPad device was announced January 27, 2010 in California drew cheers on some points and disappointment due to the lack of USB ports, Flash capability, camera, and phone have many wondering if the device is worth the price.
IPad has a display of 9.7 inches and Apple’s own 1GHz chip. Crowds at the live press conference event cheered enthusiastically for the features.
Internet access will be through either WiFi or AT&T on select 3GS models. Pricing for the data plans were set at $14.99 for 250 MB use and $29.99 a month for unlimited use.
The iPad has several different price points starting at $499.
The unit comes built in with 802.11n WiFi and BlueTooth v2.1 and a range of 16-64 GB of Flash memory capacity.
The unit is reported to weigh 1.5 pounds and is 0.5 inched thick.
Republican response : Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell invokes Jefferson
Posted on Jan 28 by Tatiana under bob-mcdonnell
Just as President Obama recalled episodes from American history in his State of the Union address, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell tonight invoked Thomas Jefferson while making the Republican response to the president’s address.
McDonnell used Jefferson to sound the familiar Republican theme of small government.
“It was Thomas Jefferson,” McDonnell said, “who called for ‘A wise and frugal government which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry …. and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.’ He was right. Today, the federal government is simply trying to do too much.”
McDonnell hit efforts by Democrats to jump start the economy — efforts he called lacking.
He said that last year “we were told that massive new federal spending would create more jobs ‘immediately’ and hold unemployment below 8%.”
Gov Bob McDonnell Gives His Take on State of the Union Address 2010
Posted on Jan 28 by Tatiana under bob-mcdonnell
Virginia Governor—Bob McDonnell—was the spokesman of Republicans who was given the spoke for the Republicans. During his 10 minutes speech, he delivered before 300 supporters, friends and family members. He criticized government on their policies stating they will put USA on a level of indefensible debt. He challenged President directly and said Republican’s victory in Massachusetts is a blow for President.
Also Republican leaders think that government needs to show some practical work instead of long speeches.
and we say “DUH” and we are not even Republican. Less talk and more doing. Isn’t that what people wanted with all presidents?
Obama is a talker, Bush jr. was a follower and Clinton ‘cared’ about our nation. Remember when Clinton was president, there were jobs and the economy was a lot better.