iPhone 3.1.3: iTunes Update

Posted on Feb 3 by Tatiana under

It’s been at least 3 months since iPhone users have been using the iPhone 3.1.2 update. Today Apple has released the iPhone 3.1.3 update for iPhone and iPod Touch users. This update does not really add anything new, but it does fix important bugs so iPhone and iPod Touch users should update.
The iPhone 3.1.3 software update includes the following:

  • Reports battery level on iPhone 3GS with an improved accuracy
  • Fixes issues that caused third party iPhone apps to crash
  • Resolves a bug that caused an iPhone app to crash when the Japanese Kana keyboard is being used
  • using the Japanese Kana keyboard

iPhone 3.1.3 SDK now available

Posted on Feb 3 by Tatiana under

Time to update your iPhone SDK to 3.1.3! It’s a required update, otherwise Xcode will not recognize or work with your 3.1.3 device. Head on over to the iPhone dev center (developer credentials needed to log in) to download the latest version.
As always, the iPhone SDK includes Xcode, the iPhone simulator, and other tools for developing applications for iPhone and iPod touch. If you want to develop for the iPad, you’ll need to join the $99/year developer program and download the 3.2 SDK instead.

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